If you are sabotaging yourself financially, it’s because you believe on some level that the accumulation of money is going to lead to more pain than pleasure.


Empowering beliefs that will lead you to financial freedom:

1. The more I give to others, the more money I receive on an ongoing, consistent basis.

2. I must live in an attitude of gratitude and I must give much more to others than I expect back.


Financial abundance comes from doing what you love doing and making sure it creates tremendous value for other people. To find the appropriate vehicle for building wealth, answer the following questions:

1. What do you love to do most?

2. How could you do this to benefit others so that they would be willing to invest in it?

3. How could you do it to reach a multitude of people?

4. How could you do it intelligently so that it remains profitable?


Above all, make sure you’re a giver!


Financial abundance comes from doing what you love doing and making sure it creates tremendous value for other people.”—- It makes great sense.



20 Apr, 2008