
The 5th monthly event of Project YoungPros was conducted last Sat and we again met our goals. Thanks to our guest speaker Stella and Ronnie, thanks to our MC Cindy, and thanks for our audience, especially those who came all the way from Guangzhou to Shenzhen.

Upon the completion of the event, i have also received good feedback to improve and for future development. So happy as they do really CARE. We will be working on that in terms of priority.

Cindy is doing great, these days improve a lot. So happy about that!

I also agree with Stella that using PPT could distract audience, will work on it in some right situations as well.

Happy to note that Ronnie likes the DREAM thing. Really proud of it.

And the very thing that i also want to mention, which inspired by my bro Michael : It doesn’t matter when you HAVE KNOWN it; You don’t own it until you apply it and make something happen.

Jeff Wang

What We Can Imagine, What We Can Achieve!

This is a personal note to my all-time bro.

We care more about trust, love, care, and support, instead of contribution only, and that’s what family is all about.

When someone in the family needs support, we won’t question your contribution; instead of it, we offer our hands and unconditional support.

When the family is in good times, we hope we can share with you the joy of success; when the family is in hard times, we hope you can join us to overcome the challenge.

And that’s it, Family! Hold tight, and hold together!

What We Can Imagine, What We Can Achieve! The most thing that matters is not the thing itself, it’s the way we handle it.

Find the right way, and we can make it happen together; and of course, we can find the right way together.

Bro, think it over, and don’t let go!


Well, we do learn something from the way we are making Project YoungPros (PYPs) happen. Yet here I also want to clarify that by writing this series, we are not claiming victory, but in the purpose of sharing with what we have learned along the way, and hopefully you will join our discussion, and benefit from it.

Ok, that’s enough, let’s get straightforward. The topics I am going to cover here will be mainly based on the frequently asked questions raised by our event attendees. So it could also happen to be “your question” as well.

Question: It seems that you guys are pretty busy, how could you afford the time/resources to Project YoungPros?

Yeah, firstly, we all have a lot of things to do, yet we might not be THAT BUSY as we think, if we are good at time/task management. Common best practices are like:

  1. Set priority. Work never ends, so, better set priority. Do more important things to less your work time; less your work time to do more important things.
  2. Say NO. It’s hard, but it is necessary when you are dealing with a lot of sudden work daily.
  3. Multi-tasking and leverage the power of technology. Use dual-monitor (like extension) if you need to deal with Outlook/Word/Excel all the times.

Second, indeed, Project YoungPros doesn’t happen in ONE day. So far we have successfully conducted four monthly events. However, we started laying our foundation since last year. We do it step by step, bit by bit. And along the way, persistence is very important.

Last but not least, a couple of our event attendees commented us as GREAT (伟大). Well, we need to thank you for your generous comment (e.g. Lin J), while actually, Project YoungPros is the very thing where our dream/interest lies in, we are just doing what we love. By the way we are contributing, we are also gaining. We do enjoy it very much, that’s what passion is all about. Specifically to me, it’s like a way of recreation to recharge myself from heavy work.

To sum up: time/resources could be a problem, but there is solution, and never an excuse not to make things happen.

So much for this, and I hope it sheds some light here.  Please feel free to leave us your comment and we will be more than happy to have conversations with you.

Jeff Wang

What We Can Imagine, What We Can Achieve!

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